The Kerrville Times from Kerrville, Texas (2024)

Entertainment Kerruille Daily Times Monday, July 16, 1990 10 Names in the news Jane Pauley 'nervous and Rosalie Landicho Reyes, 17, child' specialist said of Waynesboro, Miss. I NEW YORK (AP) Jane Mississippi governor's Paulcy has had it all even wife delivers a girl hives. The former "'Today" co-host, JACKSON, Miss. (AP) The now a fill-in anchor on the "'NBC wife of Gov. Ray Mabus has giNightly told New York ven birth to a girl, the first child magazine that at age 7, she broke born to an incumbent Mississippi into hives after being punished governor since the turn of the for another child's prank.

century. "My eyes swelled up or some- The girl, who was named Elithing glamorous like that and my sabeth Hamilton, delivered mother had to take me home from by Cacsarcan section Sunday at school," she said. "Later she Baptist Medical Center, and took me to a specialist who said weighed 9 pounds, ounces. that I was a nervous child who The mother, Julie, and the child would have to be careful my were doing well, the governor whole lifc." said. Pauley added: 'This is good in- "Daddy almost didn't make it formation for a kid who is anxi- through, but Mom did fine," he ous about life.

Instead I grew up said. to do live television. I think it's The last baby born to a Missiskind of funny." sippi governor in office was a Paulcy got over her problems daughter of Gov. A.H. Longino, with hives and headaches years who served from 1900 to 1904.

ago, the magazine reported in its July 23 issuc. Nixon: Library will improve his image Year's young woman believes in herself LOS ANGELES (AP) Richard Nixon thinks people who MOBILE, Ala. (AP) Sara tour his new library will form a Helena Martin said belicving in better opinion of his presidency. herself was the key to her being The Richard M. Nixon Presnamed America's Young Woman idential Library and Birthplace of the Year.

will be dedicated Thursday in "I'm just numb," said the Yorba Linda, in a ceremony to be 19-ycar-old Miss Martin of attended by President Bush and Schaumburg, as she received former Presidents Reagan, Ford hugs Saturday night from other and Nixon. contestants who competed for The man who resigned the $75,000 in scholarships. "'The presidency in disgrace in 1974 way I got here was being true to told the Los Angeles Times he myself, believing in my own believes the library will help move much of the taint of the The program, which began in Watergate scandal. 1958, was known as America's "Over time, as their interest Junior Miss until the name was fades, and if the public continues changed last year. to visit the Nixon museum, I Miss Martin, who plans to be- would think that all the events come a linguist, won a $30,000 covered will be seen in a more obcollege scholarship.

jective perspective," said Nixon, Runners were Seema 77. His written remarks were Sueko Ahmed, 17, of Honolulu, published Sunday. To grab a 'gator Grab an alligator by the tail and it will scramble to get away, not turn 10 biter you. So avers one who purports to know. Am not so sure.

Might work at home, but don't believe I'd try it on somebody else's alligator. On the heads of most Japanese, hair whorls clockwise. On most Europcans, counter-clockwise. It was in the 1940s that the Pima Indians of southern Arizona first started eating typical grocery-store food. Medical researchers say that was when so many Pimas started getting diabeics.

Now more than half of them over age 35 suffer said disease. Report is much more than half of all men's clothing is bought by women. HATPINS In Chicago, a hatpin hidden under a lapel is still legally classified as a "concealed weapon." The law goes back to when a lot of women carried hatpins for self-defense. At a time when some men carried straight razors for whatever reasons. No, sir, the hair on the top of the head, if any, grows faster than the hair on the sides.

Q. You said a survey of Americans showed the smell of peanut butter to be the second most memorable odor. What was first? A. Coffee. Third was Vick's Vapo Rub.

Bedsheets are what people pick Thank You! To The Cullen Family For Your Hard Work In Maintaining Managing The Schreiner Golf Course Greens. Monroe Kenssing John Travis Cut Utility Bills! MISCREEN SAVES ENERGY Energy Utility Bills Year -Round Comfort And Economy Hester Window Overing 412 Quinlan 896-5663 'Real Life' a nifty snapshot of U.S. By SCOTT WILLIAMS AP Television Writer NEW YORK (AP) If it were real life, NBC's venerable "'Today" show would be No. 1 in the ratings and its host, Bryant Gumbel, still would have a dutiful, competent second fiddle in Jane Pauley. Ah, but this is television.

"Today" has been No. 2 for 27 weeks and if Gumbel were a gunman he'd be missing a few toes. Pauley happily has gone on to better things, including her distinctive new series, "Real Life with Jane Pauley." "Real Life," which premiers Tuesday, tries to show the way we Americans live today. It opens with Pauley, our old friend of the momings, in an aquamarine tunic, seated on a set of heavy, rust-red drapes. She tells us that Americans are overwhelmed by too many choices, not enough time, too much technology and not enough wisdom.

The show has a real '90s "feel," with her introductions punctuated by two-second bursts of rapid-fire sound bites and visual images: jetliner, crowded freeway, fax phone, Madonna, microwave controls, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Feeling overwhelmed yet? Cut to the slide guitar theme music under a black-and-white title montage. Her first segment notes that Americans in 1990 are working more hours per week than at any time since before World War II. She looks at the lives of three families who are running themselves into the ground just to keep even. The stories of "All Work, No Play," have a familiar ring to 1 them.

Most of us know that we work harder nowadays to maintain the standard of living our parents enjoyed. And it's sad to see people working so hard for so little. "Technophobia," the second segment, is the weakest. Keith Morrison reports that videocassette recorders are in 68 million U.S. households, but 80 percent of the people cannot program their machines 10 record.

It's a clever story idea, because Americans hate to read their owners' manuals and VCR makers don't know how to write them or how to make a simple time-delay recording system. But that's as far as it goes. But Morrison's narration is cloyingly cute, delivered with the kind of oily, aw-folks-isn't-this-clever voice-over that will have you screaming by the time it ends seven minutes, 30 seconds later. PROGRAMS KART NICK 000 DO Kerrilla Fact Of Lite Dennis Its A Living Looney Tunes 21 Jump Street. Dobia Gillis Business As Usual.

Bawitched Allen Nation. Green Acres Partners. Donna Reed War Of The Worlds Night Live Ferawood Brothers Laugh Arsenio Hall Patty Duke My 3 Sons Day At Time Mr. Ed CHIPs Rm For Daddy 3 Dobie Gillis TNT TNN 20 22 Atlanta Nashville Music Row Video Movie: Jubilee Tap Rools. A Mississippi family tries to remain neutral during the Civil On Stage War.

S. Hayward, V. Heflin 1948 Nashville Now (:20) God's Little Acre R. Kyun, T. Louise 1958 Crook, Chase Jubilee On Stage Nashville Now (:45) LIT Abner P.

Palmer, L. Parrish 1959 Crook, Chase able in the typical 4.8-night can vacation, He visits Reptiland, Rock the Black Madonna Shrine Grotto in the Ozarks, the floored Meramec Caverns souri, the Buffalo Ranch, AP on TV han's Half Acre in Hulaville, Calif, It's wonderfully funny. NBC News spent serious moncy Ameri- on "Real Life with Jane and it shows. Executive producer City, David Browning, senior producer and Shelley Lewis and director Kyle linolcum- Good, eight producers and dozens of in Mis- technicians took a nifty snapshot of and Ma- our national life. OAK WILT TREATMENT EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Our automated injection machine will treat up to four trees simultaneously, unattended, with automatic shutoff on each tree at the correct dosage.

For Details Call Larry Baker 634-2144 Bomar Corp. 123 Park St. Center Point, Tx. JANE PAULEY series The segment "Betty" uses family photographs, home movies and old videotape to create a touching portrait of an emotionally disturbed woman who gave birth to a daughter and ended her life homeless on the streets of New York City. The best segment, however, is staffer Boyd Mattson's droll, coast-to-coast road trip to a variety roadside attractions avail- LYNN'S TREASURE CHEST SALE Ladles Apparel Jewelry Guatemalan, India, Brazil, Mexico, Greece 4 USA Sizes Small-XXXL Lrg.

225-E Jct. Hey. Old Republic Square L.M. Boyd most when they redeem Green Stamps. (C) Crown Syndicate, 1990 MONDAY NIGHT KMOL KENS 000 000 San Antonio San Antonio PM Wheel News 6 :30 Jeopardy! In Edilion PM Sister Kale Major Oad 7 :30 Working Girl Design Women Love And Hale: Miss Teen USA.

Marriage Made In Hosts: Sandy Hell (Pl 2 01 2). Duncan; Leeza Based on the true Gibbons story of JoAnn and Colin Thatcher. K. Nelligan, K. Walsh 1989 PM News News 10 :30 Carson (:35) Cheers PM (:05) Jatis :30 Love Connect Twilite Zone AM Letterman After Hours 12.

:30 News AMC TBS 0 20 4: 00 Classics Atlanta Morie: Jeffersons Sabrina. Two vie wealthy for the brothers hand Major League Baseball. Phillies PM of their VS Braves chauffeur's (L) 7 Bogurt, daughter. A. 11.

Hepburn 1954 :30 Movie: There's Always Tomorrow. A married man meets an old flame and feels tempted by her charms. 8. Stunwyck, F. (:15) 1956 Shaft.

Private eye tracks down the kidnapped daughter of a Reflections Harlem kingpin. R. Roundtree, M1. Gunn 1971 (R) Movie: Sabrina il. Bogart, 1.

Hepburn 1954 (:15) National Geographic Explorer Movie: Realm Of There's The Grizzly; Always Destroyers Tomorrow 4 Diego Classic JUNGLE BOOK Is Here! PARTY PANACHE 409 Main 257-4080 KLRN USA DID 010 00 San Antonio Gentle Dr. Miami Vice Bus Rpl Machoil Lehrer Murder, She Wrote. Fire Cauldron Bubble Adventure. Lost Prime Time Man's River: An Wrestling Everglades Journey. American Masters.

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That's in the mail. twice the protection of most 50 million people take comfort in it Compton's of Kerrville 1300 Broadway 896-2633 FAM KSAT 0 02 Family San Antonio News Mrs. King ET Movie: MacGyver. Jenny's Burn, Shadow Riders. Chance.

Two brothers return from the Civil War to find their family kidnapped. 7. Selleck, S. Elliott 1982 Just Life. An investigator her life.

700 Club Peter Jennings OKerrville LIFE CNN 13 18 1 10.0 Lifetime News Moonlighting Moneyline 3 3 Crossfire Hotel PrimeNews Movie: Larry King Liva! juggles Convicted: Mother's Story. A woman is sent to prison after being caught stealing from her boss. A. Jillian, K. Martin 1987 Rpt Evening News America Miami Vice Batman News Spenser: For (Moneyline 8'ball Night News Experience Hire American Crime Story Artiats D.

Farina, S. Lung Movie: Shadow Who's Bass? Sports Night SportsCenter Magnum, Riders 7. P.I. Selleck, S. Hunter Cagney NewsNight OIl Road Ellioct 1982 Lacey Racing Movie Off Hitchco*ck Nightline Self-Improve ShowBiz IHRA Drag Hitchco*ck Pd Prg UNI DISC ALE Spanish Discovery New York A.

Sabater M. Rendezvous Wilderness Regueiro, F. Caballero Wild Monitor Survival Wid Amandole I Challenge. Black World In 80 Marlin: The Days. Ancient Ultimate Mariners.

Simplementa Salart. Uganda's Partners in Maria. Novela de Fauna Crime. The Mexico. Ambassador's Boots.

Portada Coast To Coast. Peter Wimsey. Yellowstone Five Red Herrings (Pt 2 Of 4) I. Carmichuen Noliciero Movie: El Hitter Al The Rey De La Improv Pistola M. Mejia, J.

Cordero Sport' Lile World In 80 Days Ouldoor Life Portada Weld Partners In Monitor Crime Noticiero Wildlile Ingram Fredericksburg ESPN WGN 17 13: 20 0 Sports Chicago Center Griffith Mirweek 11. Bewitched Beach Volleyball. Major Leaque Cuervo Gold Baseball. Padres Crown (T) vs Cubs (L) PM 8 :30 PM 9 :30 PM 8 :30 PM 9 :30 PM 10 :30 PM :30 AM 12 :30 Water Ski Tour. From Ft.

Worth, TX (T) Surfing Surfer Mag. 3 ment Guide Racing Into The NewsNight 3 Micht Update Kerrville Ingram Fredericksburg HBO SHOW TMC MAX DISN HSE 0 09 21- 39 22 CD 020 32 Premium Premium Premium Premium Sports Movie: Cherry Academy 6: Adventure D). Golt Show 2000. Sam City Under Conn, M. Babar Treadwell is Siege B.

Bears Picnic Right Track devastated when Smith, Af. Movie: his robot Movie: Movie: Movie: Lion, Sports Talk Working Girl. A melts sex-companion down. P. She's Out Of She's Having A Witch.

Children struggling Gidley, M. Control. A father Baby. Two visit a world of secretary is Griffith 1986 discovers that newlyweds talking animals. determined to (PG protecting a confront the (Animated) 1978 climb the 13) daughter's virtue terrors of young Major League corporate ladder.

is a hard job. 7. married life. K. Baseball.

Astros Mets M. Griffich, 11. Dunzu, C. Hicks Bucon, E. vS (L) Ford 198B (R) 1989 (PG) McCorern 1988 Movie: (PG 13) Movie: Working Girl.

A Voyage To The struggling Bottom Of The secretary is Sea. Alomic determined to subinanne crew chimb the discovers the corporate ladder. Vann Allen Belt M. Griffith, H. has caught tire.

Ford 1988 (R) Pidgeon, 1. America Movie: Movie: St. Elmo's Fontanic 1961 Undercover. Dirty Rotten Fire. Seven Guns: A Day In Scoundrels.

Two college friends The Death Of con men on the make lifetime America French Riviera decisions after wager on who IS graduation. R. the best con Lowe. 1. Shreds Martin.

M. 1985 (R) Caine 1988 (PG) Movie: (:05) Ozzie Balman J. Comedy Club M. Nicholson, Keaton Slars (:50) Paul Simon: Indy Car Adventures Solo Wid 1989 (PG13) (:10) Karate Movie: Of Baron Sports Kid alt White Munchausen Byline hie. Mischiet 1.

Verille. Movie Black stiles luh Gold. (:05) Deliverance 1989 (PG) J. 1988 kland (R) 1989 (PG) Quinn, A Major League Reynolds, 1947 Baseball J. Weight Mets vs.

The Kerrville Times from Kerrville, Texas (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

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